
The strategic value-add of data protection and data governance – what next after compliance?

By Daragh O Brien
July 14, 2020
5min read
Mapping Data Strategy for an Industry Educator

Gartner predicts that by 2023 30% of CISOs will be measured directly on the effectiveness of their role to contribute value to their organisations.

It is inevitable that similar expectations will arise for Data Protection Officers and Data Governance functions in organisations, but this brings with it the added complication of risking conflicts of interest for DPO roles as they get pulled from a pure oversight into an executing/delivery mindset in the organisation.

In this webinar, Daragh O Brien looked at how DPOS, DG Leaders, and CISOs might best map a strategy to value delivery. Taking the position that data monetisation (as defined by Doug Laney) includes any activity that brings about an economic impact arising from the use of information assets, Daragh looks at the potential for organisations to demonstrate value add by tackling the “data debt” beneath the surface in the organisation, which can allow for clear value improvement without creating conflict by ensuring an alignment and embedding of data protection governance and general data governance obligations into the other “Widget and Sprocket” manufacturing functions of the organisation.

Additional Materials

This webinar covers a lot of topics. Viewers might like to reference some of this additional reading.

Viewers are also directed to John Ladley’s seminal book Making Enterprise Information Management work for Business.29th July – Doing business on line: the Data Dimension (webinar with Blacknight)

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