
We help people do great things with data

Since 2009, Castlebridge has been the go-to authority for pragmatic advice on the business of data. Recognised internationally for our insights and direct approach, we help clients get to the fundamentals of their data-related challenges and build information-enabled organisations.

We are here to help you with a data driven solution for you.
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Getting your Data Ideas on Target

Strategic Consulting

Organisations are awash with data and information, and there is no shortage of technology to enable even the smallest organisation to acquire, analyse, and take action on data.

Castlebridge’s strategic consulting services for organisations that want to become data driven apply our holistic ethos that combines data protection, data governance, data quality, and other core data management disciplines to the development of actionable roadmaps for success with data for your organisation that align with your business goals and objectives.

Find out more about our Data Strategy Services
Playing chess
Supporting Data Leaders

Executive Coaching

All too often data leaders find themselves in the position of leading a journey into the future without a clear understanding of the path themselves. Faced with potentially daunting objectives and a range of competing priorities, it can be difficult to know if you are doing the right things and it can be challenging to maintain momentum for change.

Castlebridge have extensive experience in complex data protection, data governance, and data-related strategic change environments. Our Executive Coaching for Data Leaders builds on that experience to give focussed “one-to-one” or “one-to-a few” coaching and support in executing a defined strategic plan for data.

Our executive coaching service offers a range of services from providing a sounding board to Chief Data Officers and Data Protection Officers, through specific interventions with senior managers and Board members to guiding you on the development of appropriate data governance and strategy and data protection functions in your organisation.

If you want to get “data fit”, we can coach you and your team!

Find out more about our Executive Coaching
Expert Help in a Crisis

Incident Response

Nothing in life is certain or fool-proof and data disasters can happen.

When this happens, our incident response team can help you get back in business efficiently and effectively.

Whether it is a data breach incident, a data quality disaster, or a data management muddle, we can support you through triaging the incident, making any required regulatory reports, communicating with affected stakeholders, and managing recovery.

Prevention is better than cure however. So we also help you understand the potential root causes of incidents and develop appropriate plans and interventions to mitigate risks, prevent issues (where possible), and improve your response-ability in data-related processes.

Find out more about Incident Response Services
Get answers when you need them

Advisory Clinics

Often, organisations struggle to deal with the unknown knowns and unknown unknowns of their data. This can make it difficult to figure out where best to invest time, people, and budget to improve your data asset or refine your data strategy.

Our  1-hour Advisory Clinics are a perfect way for start-ups and SMEs to get immediate answers to concerns and issues on a once-off basis with no long term commitment.

They are also a great way for data leaders in larger organisations to tease out specific questions or areas of uncertainty, tapping into an unbiased and independent advisory perspective on an as-needed basis.

Whether it is a Data Strategy question, a Data Protection problem, or a broader data challenge you are facing, our consultants can help.

Book an Advisor Clinic Today!

Let Castlebridge help you do great things with data!

What We Do


From outsourced DPOs to project support executing strategic data initiatives, Castlebridge can help!

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Data Success needs Leader Data Literacy! We provide training and coaching for Data Leaders.

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Stuck on Data Strategy? Data Governance gummed up? Data Protection in the pits? We can help!

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Baseline your organisation’s data improvement roadmap with a Gap Analysis or Maturity Assessment!

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