
Talk Data To Me: The Database of all the Pricks

By Daragh O Brien
April 19, 2021
1min read
In this episode of the Talk Data To Me Podcast, the Castlebridge team talk about the social project that is VACCINE CERTIFICATES.

We discuss the practical, ethical, legal, and fundamental data management issues that these proposed initiatives can raise. Key questions like:
  1. Do we need a Database of all the Pricks?
  2. What are the conditions for terminating the Tagging of the Jabbed?
  3. What safeguards will be rolled out to prevent these technologies being used to discriminate against left handed ginger people?
And we only mention “BlockChain” ONCE!!
Joshua Hoshva has a supporting blog post here: castlebridge.ie/2021/04/16/whats-…accine-passports/

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