Castlebridge and Least Authority team up to reinvent Privacy Reviews
Castlebridge announces another exciting partnership in the Data Protection by Design space
Castlebridge Associates recently produced a paper for Digital Rights Ireland reviewing the Data Sharing and Governance Bill.
In this paper, Castlebridge Associates provided a strategic assessmet of the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed legislation and made a series of recommendations for improvements in the legislation, as well as overall Public Sector Data Management.
Daragh O Brien was subsequently invited by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to address a gathering of Public Service stakeholders on the report.
Castlebridge announces another exciting partnership in the Data Protection by Design space
Castlebridge announces partnership with leading Data Governance technology provider, Collibra
The second edition of “Data Ethics” by Daragh O Brien and Katherine O’Keefe will be published by Kogan Page on the 3rd of June 2023. Coming 5 years after the...