
Training for Information Skills

By Daragh O Brien
November 14, 2012
6min read

Over the past few weeks I’ve been talking with a number of leading Information Quality and Data Governance professionals about issues and challenges in the respective professions and the industry sectors that they work in.

One key message keeps coming back: Skills are in short supply. And the skills that are in short supply are not the traditional data management technology skills (although they are thin on the ground as well). What is scarcest at the moment is the hybrid beast that is the Information Quality or Data Governance professional. One colleague tells me that they are called multiple times each day offering them full time roles, but they are happy performing their consulting roles.

The forthcoming Data Protection Regulation will further tighten the skills pool for people with an understanding of quality systems and principles applied to Information and Data Governance principles applied to privacy and Data Protection. Take a look at Article 35-37 and Article 28. The shift in emphasis is a shift towards a certain hybrid skill set. And the fact that EU Data Protection principles and practices are increasingly being adopted elsewhere (including the US) means there is a clear market for these skills.

But how big is the market? Dr Tom Redman (my friend and mentor) cited a figure of 1 million INFORMATION QUALITY practitioners being required in the US alone. He estimates at least 10 Million are required around the world.

Research by the IDC shows that employees trained in Information Quality or other Data Management skills dermonstrate between 50% and 90% of an increase in effectiveness and efficiency in performing Data Management tasks. Reserch in Dublin City University showed that there was a strong statistical correlation between training in Data Quality practices and changes in data gathering behaviour, including increased accuracy of data.

In a data-driven world it pays to have staff at all levels who can understand the power of information and data and how to harness it safely and efficiently. Castlebridge Associates provides a unique blend of on-site and instructor lead on-online training in this growth area.

So what are you waiting for? Contact to find out how we can help you with your training needs in Data Governance, Data Protection, and Information Quality. Orjoin our mailing list for training things. Or sign up to our inaugural instructor lead on-line Information Quality course.

We aim to provide rich and engaging learning experiences, not pre-canned “death by powerpoint”.

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