“Fadó Fadó in Data…” – An Inverted Webinar

Webinars are boring.
Castlebridge are turning the format on its head to help you get answers you need, raise questions you are concerned about, and to promote learning and insight into data management topics and data literacy. An “inverted webinar” is one where the agenda is set by the audience, through questions raised in advance or during the session. Relatively unscripted and unplanned, this is the online equivalent of the conversations over coffee at a live conference (remember those?).
Audience participation is encouraged. The session will be hosted and moderated by one of the Castlebridge team. Inappropriate behaviour will be addressed by removing you from the session. Also, for anyone seeking specific advice or guidance, we will have an opportunity for you to request a private follow up on your questions after the event.
To avoid instances of Zoom-boming, we have had to require registration via Zoom. After registration, we will send you a short form for you to submit questions in advance to the panel.
[button color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”jumbo” url=”https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j5iH2FaGRoGOksq4r1LPUQ” text=”Register here for ‘Fadó Fadó in Data!’” color_override=””]