Over our lifetime as an organisation, Castlebridge has become the go-to authority in data governance, privacy and ethics. This page is your resource for all our knowledge and expertise.

We are constantly researching, asking questions and challenging the status quo in order to contribute to the conversations happening today and share this knowledge and insight with our client base to achieve actual business results. A quick look at our blog & whitepaper archive will illustrate just how often we are correct in our forward thinking!

We are also called upon regularly by Irish and international businesses, academia and media to speak about our knowledge in these areas.

Our most recent research has been in the area of Data Ethics, resulting in the publication of “Ethical Data and Information Management” by our Directors Daragh O Brien and Dr. Katherine O’Keefe.  As data ethics has become the next emerging trend in Enterprise Information Management, this book paves the way in thinking on the subject not only in Ireland but around the world.

We have also developed a range of training modules that expand on the concepts explored in the book.

” [This book] describes the frameworks needed to think through such issues in easy-to-read way. All those working with data should give it a careful read and keep it for ready reference.
Even more, senior leaders should take it to heart. More than anything else, ethical behavior throughout the company depend on the “tone at the top.” I’m certain the vast majority of senior leaders want to set the right tone—O’Keefe and O’Brien explain how.” 

Dr Thomas C Redman

The Book
Cover page of Ethical Data & Information Management

TV, Radio and Press

The Castlebridge team are regular contributors to media in Ireland and abroad, on topics relating to information quality, social media, governance, and data privacy. We are sought out for our objective and informative voices. We also shed light on the social, economic, and regulatory impacts of information-related issues in an accessible and engaging manner.

Click here to see our TV, Radio, and Press page.


We deliver an evidence-based approach for our clients and our passion drives us to be “always learning”. We continuously conduct research on information strategy, privacy, governance and ethics.

Our research activities often result in published whitepapers, either as Castlebridge papers or published with partner organisations. View our Whitepapers page here.

View our Resources & Publications page here.

Case Studies

At Castlebridge we focus on what works, applying key learnings from research and client engagements to deliver value. When we learn things that work, we like to figure out why and share those insights through anonymised case studies. In keeping with our core value of discretion, case studies may reflect learnings from more than one project.

View our Case Studies page here.


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