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Webinars & Podcasts

Castlebridge has been sharing thoughts and insights on data strategy, data protection, data governance, data quality, and data ethics over over a decade. From the topical to the conceptual, our insights are drawn from experience, research, and our collective pool of knowledge.

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The Carey Therapy Episode

The latest edition of the Castlebridge podcast features Daragh and Carey discussing topics like: Carey has some ideas on things. Daragh has some suggestions!

July 15, 2024
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Oh Copilot, my Copilot

In the first episode of our third season of the “Talk Data To Me” podcast, Daragh spoke with Tony Ellis of Buckinghamshire Council in the UK about their journey in…

February 20, 2024
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The One With Cats In It

In the first episode of Season 2 of the Talk Data To Me Podcast, Daragh O Brien is joined by Katherine O’Keefe (@okeefekat on twitter) and Carey Lening (@privacat on…

March 8, 2021
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A Cat discussing Data Protection Fines

Do Fines Motivate Data Governance?

Do fines motivate Data Governance? For understandable reasons there is interest in the amount of fines that regulators levy for breaches of regulatory controls and obligations relating to data such…

January 29, 2021
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