Maturity Assessment

A Maturity Assessment differs from a Gap Analysis or a Benchmarking Assessment in a simple but important way. A Maturity Assessment allows organizations to look at their data competencies and capabilities from the perspective of where they as an organization want to go, not where regulation or their peers tell them they need to be.
Castlebridge helps organizations use Maturity Assessments to develop appropriate data strategies to support their business goals and objectives.

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About Maturity Assessments

A Capability Maturity Assessment is similar to but different from both a Gap Analysis and a Benchmarking Assessment.

A Gap Analysis looks at your organization’s ability to perform to or comply with a required standard of performance. This is often imposed by industry standards or regulatory requirements.

Benchmarking measures your competencies and practices against the competencies and practices of others, often through a series of objective methods and practices statements. But it is still measuring you against an external reference.

Maturity Assessments are different. They place the focus on what your organization is capable of today and what it needs to be capable of doing to succeed tomorrow. The focus is on your performance against yourself, with the emphasis on developing the capabilities and competencies of the data leaders in your organization so the organization can lead in your industry or sector.

Castlebridge uses a variety of tools to perform maturity assessments, from our own proprietary assessment framework that combines the best elements of a number of models, to standard models produced by the Innovation Value Institute in NUI Maynooth, the CMMI DMM, or the DAMA DMBOK.

Our maturity assessment frameworks have been developed over the life of the company to support assessments for data governance, data quality, data protection, and other data management disciplines. We also can provide assessments for data literacy and ethical data management practices.

The outputs of our assessments are not just scores but include pragmatic and practical solutions and roadmaps for data maturity improvement to support your organization’s strategic goals.

Benefits of Maturity Assessment

Looks at your organization and what it needs to succeed in data transformation on its own terms
Requires a broader focus than just the immediate needs of legislation
Can be combined with Benchmarking to develop a holistic change strategy
Can inform a longer term change strategy as it focusses on internal strategic drivers
Improves focus on Continuous Improvement rather than short term quick fixes
Your practices are measured against objective statements of Practices, Methods, and Outcomes.

Want to find out more about Maturity Assessments?
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Baseline your organisation’s data improvement roadmap with a Gap Analysis or Maturity Assessment!

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