Gap Analysis

A Gap Analysis is an examination of your organization’s current performance to help identify the differences between what you do now and what you need to be doing so you can better reach your business goals.
Our approach to Gap Analysis takes a holistic view of the data landscape and the policies, processes, and risks to the organization. We identify what data management capabilities you have, and what you need to develop to support your organization’s strategic goals and objectives.

The focus of gap analysis should be getting to the other side. If you bend-over to analyze a gap too long, you’ll probably fall into it

Ryan Lilly

Need help with a Gap Analysis for Data in your Organization?
Not sure where to start?

Figuring out where you are, charting where you need to be

About Gap Analysis

A Gap Analysis is usually carried out against a defined set of target requirements. These often arise from industry standards, regulation, or other legal requirements that an organization must meet.

Our approach to Gap Analysis takes a holistic view of the data landscape and the policies, processes, and risks to the organization. We identify what data management capabilities you have, and what you need to develop to support your organization’s strategic goals and objectives and compliance requirements.

The key outputs from a Gap Analysis are an analysis of where you are, a risk register, a plan for remediation and mitigation of risks, and a roadmap to the implementation and management of the required change.

A Gap Analysis can be performed on your own organization or as part of a data due diligence process that helps you avoid inheriting data issues from an other organization if you are merging, acquiring, or entering into a long term commercial partnership.

In this way, a data gap analysis performs the same function as a building survey in making sure that the asset you are investing in or relying on is fit for purpose and meets the required standards.

Focus Areas for Gap Analysis

Data Protection Compliance
Data Strategy Effectiveness
Data Quality Assurance
Data Governance Structures
Organization Data Competencies & Culture
Data Management Processes

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