Guidance on Temperature Scans in the Workplace
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With the time nationally spent in lockdown increasing, it appears that an end is in sight and talk is gradually edging towards asking what will post-Covid 19 lockdown look like? Talk of a “new normal” influenced by the pandemic raises many questions. Much attention focuses on how individuals returning to work will be able to do so safely. We can wear facemasks, be socially distant as far as possible and even be alerted when we show specific covid-19 symptoms- in this case a high temperature.
The advent of new technology, including Thermal Infrared Cameras, have their role to play in ensuring the safety of people returning work. However, as is the case with any new technology reaching the public, the legality, practicality, sustainability, and utility of the technology must be assessed.
This Guidance Paper has been prepared by the Castlebridge team to summarise a number of the key issues for organisations to consider in the adoption of these technologies.