
Talk Data To Me: Episode 5

By Daragh O Brien
May 19, 2020
5min read

In this episode of the Talk Data To Me podcast, Daragh (@cbridge_chief) is joined by Katherine O’Keefe (@okeefekat), Peter Davey, and Katie and Joshua from the team to talk about the following topics:

The European Data Protection Board’s Guidance on Consent

The EDBP published updated guidance on consent this month. Katie and Joshua took a look at it to tease out the potential implications. The TL;DR is that it reaffirms things people should already know and the design of consent mechanisms is going to be a key area for consideration by data controllers.

DPC Cookies Sweep

The DPC released the findings of their Cookie Sweep at the end of April. The team took a look this past month at the current “state of the nation” as part of some ongoing research (both Katie and Joshua are PhD students in the Adapt Centre in Trinity College working with Castlebridge). The consensus: a lot done, more to do, and organisations may be paying for the design choices of industry vendors. The consent guidance is also relevant here!

Remote Working Sea Change

Covid-19 response has seen the unthinkable happen in many organisations, with staff having to work remotely. Organisations are starting to work out how to manage staff in this new normal. That has some data governance and data protection implications, as well as presenting a huge organisational change management challenge.

Peter and Daragh lead the discussion on this topic, and there is an interesting balance to strike between monitoring, management, and mentoring. Organisations need to decide what data they need to track performance and how they will measure it without crossing the line into the private space or treating staff like robotic units of production.

Castlebridge’s guidance on Data Protection and Change Management issues in remote monitoring of staffcan be found elsewhere on this site.

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