The Episode with the Cat Psychologist
In this Episode of “Talk Data To Me”… Daragh O Brien is joined (again) by our colleague Carey Lening to have a chat about some of the practical challenges and...
Katherine and Daragh chat on this month’s podcast about Data Governance. They explore:
Inevitably, they discuss the fate of Standard Contractual Clauses and Privacy Shield. They do this through the lens of Data Governance and the Irish art of Understatement.
You can listen to the podcast here, or on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher , and Google Podcasts (amongst others)
To help people who might have hearing difficulties (or if Daragh is talking too fast for you), we have prepared a transcript of the recording. Podcast Episode 7 Transcript.
The text has been edited slightly to remove stammering, repetition, and interesting swear words.
In this Episode of “Talk Data To Me”… Daragh O Brien is joined (again) by our colleague Carey Lening to have a chat about some of the practical challenges and...
The latest edition of the Castlebridge podcast features Daragh and Carey discussing topics like: Carey has some ideas on things. Daragh has some suggestions!
Episode Details In this episode, Daragh is joined by John Ladley, data governance pioneer and part of our Emeritus Advisor group in Castlebridge. In this episode we discuss the “Death...