
Daragh O Brien receives award from IVI

By Daragh O Brien
June 30, 2022
2min read

Daragh O Brien today received an award from the Innovation Value Institute in NUI Maynooth in recognition of his over 20 years of innovation in the fields of Data Governance and Data Quality.

“It’s an honour to have my work of the last few years recognised by such an auspicious entity as the IVI”, said Daragh O Brien, founder and managing director of Castlebridge.

“Daragh has worked quietly for all the years I have known him, contributing to associations, collaborating with researchers and working groups, and teaching students, all the time trying to develop the application of the principles of good data management in organisations of all sizes”, said Dr Markus Helfert, Director of the IVI and Professor of Digital Service Innovation in NUI Maynooth.

The awarding of this recognition to Daragh was widely welcomed on social media by data management professionals internationally.

Daragh is pictured above with Paul Heynen, Operations Manager of the IVI.

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