This paper is a chapter extracted from Daragh O Brien’s 2011 book on Data Strategy and Governance published by Ark Group.

From the blurb for the original book:

Data is your company’s greatest asset and its greatest risk. Correctly harnessed at the heart of your organisation it has the power to drive strategic decisions and ultimately revenue and profit growth. Unfortunately, as recent news stories have illustrated, the security and compliance of data also poses great financial and reputational risk for a company. By following the guidance set out within The Data Strategy and Governance Toolkit you will not only have the peace of mind knowing that you are 100% compliant, but also the skills to leverage your data so that it becomes your company’s most powerful asset. In addition this report will show you step-by-step how to clear hurdles, including resistance to change. This definitive report will give you:

  • A definition of what information and data quality actually is, its strategic and operational importance, and how it can be measured;
  • The key drivers: operationally, strategically and from a regulatory perspective, with an emphasis on how data quality approaches can help when addressing data protection and privacy challenges;
  • Key proven frameworks and methodologies that can be used to structure information quality initiatives to secure quick wins while working towards longer-term success;
  • The relevant standards and regulations which relate to information and data quality, including insights into how an information quality principles-based approach can help compliance objectives under ISO27001, COBIT, Solvency II and other high priority standards;
  • An understanding of the role of and risks arising from cloud computing in the context of information quality;
  • Practical tools and approaches to defining and communicating your strategy for information quality improvement, including defining the value propositions and the use of story and narrative to communicate; and the three strategies you will need to plan for in order to have a sustainable Information Quality change in your organisation;
  • Approaches to gathering information for and constructing the formal business cases for your information quality projects; and the critical importance of having a business case that demonstrates the value of your approach, even if it is one you prepare as part of an after action review of your projects; and
  • Common pitfalls and barriers that are encountered in the roll-out of information quality change, with potential solutions to tackling some of the most common. Featuring six case studies this report provides a complete framework for developing an effective information management strategy.
Data Governance Drivers – Chapter Extract546.71 KB

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