
GDPR & Data Protection Act 2018 – A Practical Introduction

Five W's


Introduction and Purpose 

This course is designed to provide practical guidance regarding the application of EU Data Protection law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679/EU). This course delivers a principles-based approach, introducing learners to: 

  • Core concepts, definitions, and principles in GDPR
  • Specific requirements for Transparency, Accountability and Governance
  • Requirements specific to Irish data protection law in the Data Protection Act 2018

Key Objectives

This workshop will introduce delegates to core principles of GDPR, and  address theory and principles in the practical context of real-life scenarios. 

Delegates will be able to . . .

  • Understand the context and basics of Data Protection law
  • Discuss the seven core GDPR principles
  • Understand the legal grounds for processing data
  • Identify core obligations under GDPR
  • Understand requirements around Accountability and Governance
  • Discuss requirements in the event of a personal data breach
  • Understand key details of the Data Protection Act 2018


Training will be delivered through a series of interactive workshops lecturers with questions and answers session.   



Bookings are closed for this event.


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