
Castlebridge Vendor Showcase

Navigating the minefield that is selecting tools to help with data governance and data privacy is a real struggle for organisations that deal with sales teams more interested in selling than meeting the needs of the business.  To help in this Castlebridge is running a series of briefing sessions by vendors aimed at providing you with greater information on the capabilities of the product in a forum where they brief and answer questions from several organisations in a similar position to yourselves.

The first company to agree to come to brief and answer your questions is Collibra, a Gartner and Forrester top right quadrant company for Data Governance, Data Privacy and Data Management.


The format of the day will be:

  • Meet at Croke Park Hotel, Dublin – 12:30 -13:30
  • Sandwich lunch available
  • Introduction by Daragh O’Brien – 13:45
  • Presentation and Q and A Session by Collibra – 14:00-1730
  • Informal Drinks hosted by Collibra – 17:30


Bookings are closed for this event.


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