Remote and Connected Working – Consultation Submission
Between July and August 2020, the Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation ran a Public Consultation on Remote Working.

The primary objective of this consultation was to inform updated guidance on Remote Working that was in development in the Department. It was also to inform the work of the Inter Departmental Working Groups on Remote Working in the development of national strategies for developing Remote Working (aka Connected Working) as a strategic capability in Irish businesses and in the Public Sector.

Castlebridge prepared a submission to this Consultation.

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Find out about Connected Working Strategies
Castlebridge helps organisations get to grips with the Data Protection and Data Governance challenges of sustainable Connected Working.
Whether your teams are Working From Home, a Hub, or a Hotel Lobby, we can help you Govern Access to your Organisation’s Resources.

We help you make Remote teams Connected Workers.
Support & Train your Connected Workers
We can help train your connected workers in the basics of data protection and essential data management skills for the extended organisation.


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