We change how people think about data

Who We Are

Since 2009, Castlebridge has been the go-to authority for pragmatic advice on the business of data. Recognised internationally for our insights and direct approach, we help clients get to the fundamentals of their data-related challenges.

  • We help people in organisations navigate the changes needed to realise the sustainable value of their data assets and achieve their business goals.
  • We support data leaders as they navigate the fast changing landscape of data regulation and opportunity, building on core foundations in practical data management disciplines.

Our clients operate in a range of industry sectors, from NGOs and start-up technology businesses, to utilities and telecommunications, to local and central government.

Meet the Team

Castlebridge is a multi-disciplinary team drawing on the expertise of our core consulting team and our extended Associate Consultant network. From Data Protection expertise to Data Modelling insights, our team can provide the expertise needed for any client.

Meet the team

Castlebridge brings a depth of insight and knowledge on the business of data that is matched only by the practical and pragmatic nature of advice and guidance they give.

Client organisation, Utilities Sector

Our History

Since 2009, Castlebridge has been leading the way in data-driven thinking for business data leaders. From the early days as a one-person company to today’s multi-disciplinary team, Castlebridge has been at the vanguard of holistic data strategy and implementation for over a decade.

See how far we’ve come
mac book with notebook and coffee mug

Do you have a data problem? Not sure who to ask for help?

Our expert team is ready to assist!

Our Vision and Values

At Castlebridge we are committed to developing business capabilities to manage data assets for the benefit of organisations and their stakeholders.

We deliver on this through our vision and our values, acting as a trusted advisor to our clients and ensuring our core values are demonstrated at all times in delivering excellence to our clients. We are also proud supporters of the Leader’s Data Manifesto from DataLeaders.org.

Read more about our Vision and Values

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